Tuesday, March 31, 2009

McCormick's Hotel for Weary Travelers

Since there are so many people moving out and going home, there are those that get lost in the process and find themselves in a bit of a predicament. Our two friends who decided to stick it out in Japan for another year now find themselves reluctantly planning a trip home, without a place in Japan, and a need to have a last hurrah before leaving the motherland. Now Ron and I find our two empty rooms filled with drawers and clothes and our space seems a wee bit smaller. This seems reminiscent of a time when we lived with other friends in a space a wee bit too small as well. Now who did we live with ?... Can't remember... Not important... especially if they don't comment on the blog...

But things are great. Most of our friends are leaving so it's nice to have them with us until we go as well. Our home has become the sanctuary for all lost things and during this month we will be having friends come back and forth to Morioka in need of refuge. Ron and I have our own little hostel. A little Bed and Breakfast, although the bed is a futon, and the breakfast is a late night beer, but the cozy comfort of non-home is what we can offer. Ron and my time of solitude has ended, but at least this is a good test of how we'll fare when we finally make it home.


Unknown said...

Hah! I think I know who that wee bit of small space was shared with...perhaps like four or five others?

The Unconventional Life said...

I think the better answer is...eight others.