Monday, July 28, 2008

Tummy Troubles II

5 days was WAY too long for a tummy ache. I am blogging this to let myself know that whatever I did to make this 5 day stomach hell happen, will never happen again. Even though I have no clue what made it happen in the first place. Spicy food, cold nights, stress, lack of nutrients, indigestion, too much salt, too little salt, acidity, little people having a disco party in my organs.......... ARGH!!!

It's safe to say that some things happen for the most nonexistent reasons.


Unknown said...

You know, some of those suspected reasons are related.... lack of nutrients and cold nights can cause stress, which can cause indigestion, which can cause little people in your stomach to have a disco party with spicy food served either too salty or not salty enough, with orange juice.

May I suggest that you..... GET DOWN AND BOOGIE!!! WOOOOOOOO [Hands waving in the air]


Anonymous said...


Oren B. said...

I tried looking on Google, but found nothing...

What does "大丈夫~?!!" mean~???!

I'm SOOOOO Curious!!!!!

Thank you!
