Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hurricane hits Morioka!

This just in... Morioka has just been hit by one of the most bizarre phenomenons to ever come into the quaint world of Japan. We have just experienced... Hurricane Carolina.

OK, so there was no hurricane and nothing bad happened in Japan. On the contrary the opposite. We have just been been visited by my mom. The first person to come from our lives in Los Angeles to make sure that our lives in Japan are happy and well. Many questions will be answered upon her return...

Are they eating well?
How is their home?
How is the living situation?
Is Ron beating Juni?
Was his act all a lie?
Was HER act all a lie?

So mom came into town Monday night and there had been a blur of eating and shopping since her arrival. Ron took her around during the day time and I was able to meet them after my classes. We showed her the culinary delights of Morioka Reimen and Jajamen. On thursday and friday, however, I was free as a bird. Mom was quite satisfied staying around town and enjoying the beauty of the 100 yen stores. The brunt of the storm however was on the last day. Our friend Yohei, who is a 50s collecting junkie, showed us to Japanese antique shops. Hurricane Carolina then started to make her mark across Morioka. Many stared with open mouths as Mom haggled her way through the stores, bargaining left and right till there was no more sign of overlooked collectables. After devistating the shopkeeps' invintories, Hurricane Carolina (no sooner than she arrived) changed her heading back to California. The city of Morioka will never forget the awesome display of power and beauty that Mother nature has bestoed upon them.

It was an amazing week just being able to show someone our life in Morioka. Ron and I have really started to find our niche here and finally we can start to show it to others besides using the blog. We thoughoughly enjoyed playing tour guide and look forward to anyone else that wants to take the Morioka challenge.

Thank you mom for coming. It really made our week.


mattnun said...

Hey Jun Niko,
This is Matthew, the JET that lives close to Morioka. I caught your blog when searching through mine. Anyway, great story. I really hope some of my family comes. Though my mother will surely make quite a scene. She has the same laugh as me except it is of a higher pitch and about twice as loud.
See you later today in hanamaki.

Oren B. said...

Wow, you really had me going there. (Rolls eyes). What a mean and dirty trick! To think that you guys get to have all the wind surfing fun and I don't! Only to find out that none of us are actually having that kind of fun! Hmph!! Waaaaaahhhhhh!!


Oren B. said...

Wowwwww, Carol is there!!! Hi Carol!!!! (waving left hand hysterically). How are you doing???? How long are you there for?? Eat some Sushi for me! And drink lots of Sapporo! Ooo ooo, and some fine Japanese Sake!! Oooooo, and... okay, I'll stop, haha. Just kidding.. heh heh... I don't really want you to drink all that stuff, haha. Unless you'rrrrre..... tough enough?? Eh?? Heh, just kidding... [stern face] "Drink responsibly", haha. But please, do have some fine Ramen.


Unknown said...

3 comments Juni..not's 4th...Your Bro enjoyed it...Me...hummmmmmm...good story BUT embarrasing:(!!O well what the heck...
Funny...I guess you can call her Juni...

Good, entertaining..funny letter,its always good to read your blog,I'm home,connect up with us...

mom..Mrs. O.

Unknown said...

Hehe. Okay. I'm in The Great San Francisco now, having a blast, haha. But when I'm down in The Fabulous L.A. maybe we could all do Ramen together?? haha. Thank you!!


Anonymous said...

hmmm I agree! Ramen sounds fantastic! Oh, and Oren: you're coming here next weekend.

NYD said...

I wish I were in town when the storm hit. It would have been fun to watch a professional shopper in action.