Sunday, November 18, 2007

Brace yourselves people!

The winter is here. Back in the good ol' California, you could walk out of your house on any given day and assume it was spring. Sometimes a hotter spring, sometimes a colder spring, but either way, everyday is spring in California.

We are now realizing, through a very abrupt culture shock, that no such feeling exists in Japan. The gods and goddesses that look over this tiny island make for damn sure that you know what season it is. This past weekend, Ron and I had an amazing experience. More is described on top. But what I really want to describe is the crack cocaine that Mother Nature-sama in Japan is on. On Saturday I had the day off. I cleaned, talked to my dad via Skype, went to the post office to send stuff to my mother, and then made my way to Ron's work. As I walked there, I saw this gorgeous tree. The sun was directly hitting it and the colors exploded off the leaves as if it was in Photoshop. I took some photos and thought to myself "Morioka has a fantastic autumn."

When I got to Ron's work, we left with our new friends to the neighboring prefecture to hang out. (More later) The VERY NEXT DAY, we woke up to snow. We walked outside and the nature that had been bursting with color 12 hours ago was now a sheet of white. Needless to say, Ron and I almost peed in our pants. But knowing that our pants would freeze, we held it in.

Although it was a shock, thoughout the day we saw more and more beautiful things. I couldn't help but think, "Morioka has a fantastic winter." I never thought I would saw both sentences within 24 hours.


Unknown said...

Wow!!!Beauty and ...can't even say me the chills up and down my spine just thinking about how cold it is there right now... and yes its winter here too but most of the time we do still feel the spring also summer yes! summer.. sorry kids wish you guys were here too but in spite of that I know its still an experience you young kids wouldn't want to miss....keep warm kids, we miss and love you...

Kunino said...

Gorgeous! Welcome to the island of richness. It will never makes you get tired of life. As a native of the island, I love how we have distinct four seasons here. But...guys, good luck with the snow! which we don't get much over here in Tokyo, haha.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwww seasons!!!!! I miss them so! I missed them for the past 11 years of living in Cali. I think I feel sorry for everyone who spent their entire lives not witnessing the full & awesome beauty of Nature-sama!

Hey, isn't it supposed to be "summer" instead of "spring"? California is world-famous for being "Sunny California"!

Oren B. said...

Well, seeing as how pee has high salt content it might not have actually frozen if the temperature outside is not much colder than that at which pure water freezes =D. So you guys might have been just fine and dandy! See.. you guys missed the perfect opportunity to pee your pants. tisk, tisk, tisk. Oh well, maybe next time.


Oren B. said...

By the way, that orange tree is Unbe-freeking-lievable!!! It is fantastic!, and definitely dream worthy. I see that you guys have become very good at Photoshop! Good Job! Haha, Everyone in Cali knows that trees don't "actually" turn orange at autumn!! hahaha, who are you guys trying to kid?? that's kiddy talk! hahaha, oh man. You guys are such kidders!! hahahaha. that's good, keep 'em coming, keep 'em coming!
