Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My First Last Day

Yesterday I got a glimpse of what life will feel like in a couple of weeks. Yesterday and the friday before it, I made my way to another school, Matsuzono Yogo, a school that I visit for about two days while Ichiko has tests. So guess I've been to this school a total of 16 times in two years. But each time I go, I always leave with good memories. The initial smell of the school reminds me of tatami in the winter. The staff room always welcomes me with bright OHAYO GOZAIMASU. The kids in the first lesson are always incredibly shy, but by the end of the day, they are peeking into the staff room to get a HELLO from me. They like me. They want to talk to me. It's a very obvious affection which is what makes me love this school. After leaving Matsuzono Yogo, knowing that I wouldn't come back, it really bummed out my evening. If a school that I have only been to 16 times makes me so depressed, I'm worried about Mo Gakko and Ichiko where I've invested so much more time and effort. It's going to be a depressing three weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Depressing is a normal feeling....just think of what you have taught them and the memories that you have shared with them that would last a lifetime.