Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I forgot Easter again. Last year, we happened to hear that it was Easter the day of and I told myself I wouldn't forget this year. However, I finally realized that I don't actually know when Easter is since the day always changes. I was confused between March and April. I was so used to having decorations around me at home and big scary Easter bunnies at the mall. Not to mention the countdowns at church. I guess being in Japan where people have absolutely no clue about this holiday, it's difficult to sometimes remember those things that were fun all through my life before. It's hard to teach Easter in Japan. I don't want to give them the shallow end and say it's all about bunnies, eggs, and spring. But once I start talking about Christ and religion, it all goes out the window. I've tried it already with Christmas and Hanukkah. Try to explain the Hanukkah story to 16 year old Japanese students- I dare you!

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