Monday, September 29, 2008

I think we've skipped a season

After living here a year, I am calm with the fact that there are few surprises in Japan now. I know when the Yakitori car goes in front of our supermarket (tuesdays). I know when tofu goes on sale (wednesdays) and I can plan our travels knowing when I can and can't take off work. Although I enjoy the surprises in life, there is something safe knowing that where you live, you know some secrets.

However in good ol' humorous form, the world throws us for a loop. After a sweltering summer that took a little long to come and left all too shortly. Now, I wake up in the morning and a see my breath. I leave to work wearing a scarf and mittens. At night, Ron and I bundle in our warmest clothes and thickest blanket. The heater and the electric blanket are already out. Did I mention this is September and last year we didn't feel this cold until November?

I was told that last year was a very mild winter. Apparently -15 degrees C is mild. I guess this year will be a bit rougher, starting with the short, near skipped altogether autumn.

I miss T-shirts.

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