Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Yohei Party

So there's no pictures right now. I'm really just making this post to save the date. That way when I finally can set up pictures, you don't see a slew of them on the first of May. Man I miss my home internet. This old school computer doesn't cut it. It doesn't even recognize a camera. Sigh...

YAY!! Yohei party pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahem! It is I, the official representative of the... the rest of the Crestlings. You guys have seemed to have... to have... well, disappeared from our watchful sights. :(

So, I was wondering... what is up? How come you guys aren't in skype much..... I do have to admit that I haven't read your blog now... in at least a month. But, I'm starting to recover from a Hurricane-sized workload, so maybe some moonlight can be seen ahead to light a way to a more pleasant future.

I LIKE THE NEW INTERFACE COLORS! Very festive! Anyhoo, how's it going guys?? We SHALL CALL YOU SOON. (Don't think you can ESCAPE from us, DO YOU?)

PS: kayaking! kayaking! kayaking! kayaking!... (can you guess what's coming up?)