Thursday, February 28, 2008

A New Found Flavor

Ron and I have discovered a secret that many may know, but may not have used it's mighty powers. I'm talking about BENTO! Bento is a Japanese lunchbox, filled with rice, meat, and various veggie goodies rather than the sandwiches, Oreos, and apple drink that we have in the States. Since this discovery, Ron and I have been dining on skipped breakfasts, instant noodles, bread snacks, and 10pm dinners. (you know, college diet) We have not felt very good about ourselves. But lo and behold at our local bookstore I found かんたん弁当 (easy bento) and that's where our story begins.

This week was the mock trial of this new found power. On Sunday, we cooked from 6 to 9, trying to cook for the entire week. We shopped and bought three times the amount of food we usually buy, and buy the time we were finished with cooking, our refrigerator was filled with chicken, macaroni salad, spinach, and steamed veggies, rather than ketchup and miso paste. Day 1 to 4 of the trial has been a success. Every morning I now wake up 10 minutes earlier to prepare my bento, and make a quick breakfast. I now have energy from when I get to work to when the lunch bell rings. Instead of slurping my instant noodles and still feeling hungry, I'll eat my bento and be full with half. I eat the rest at Ron's work and by the time we get home, we're not hungry, but nosh on a little bit of rice and the yummy Japanese toppings that we have. On top of everything, walking has been the main mode of transportation since I've learned that ice and bicycles don't mix (see previous blog). So in a day, we can get about an hour of walking. I think through this experience, we are starting to understand the power force that is behind the Japanese structure and why 80 year old grandmas can still walk faster than me.


Kunino said...

Wow, I never thought of bento that way. I make myself bento almost everyday. My bento is so simple and easy to make; half my bento box filled with rice and the other half with some veggies and fish/meat. It only takes 10 min to make one, and I love my bento because it's just the right amount for me and a lot healthier and cheaper than anything sold out there. Well, bento sure is quite an invention.
Hail our ancestors!

NYD said...

Bentos ROCK!
Um Ron left his at work. LOL
wonder what he's gonna eat tomorrow...

How's the avatar coming??

Anonymous said...

Bento Bento Bento !

Unknown said...

I'm glad that you're eating better. We've been using our Crock Pot here a lot. I kind of do what you did. Every Sunday I make my menu, buy my groceries, and then prepare all the ingredients. I put them in Gladware and label them with the days of the weeks so that I can just dump it all in to the Crock Pot before I go to work. I've been doing this since Christmas when my mom got me a slow cooker recipe book. It's great because then we have left overs for lunch. You should totally stick to your Bento. Sounds healthier and will save money when you don't go out to eat a lot. Ed and I were going out to eat almost every other day. I think we can actually get cable tv now that we've saved so much on making out own meals. Miss you Love!


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see how fit you guys are!!! Smart idea of healthy foods, smart eating and plenty of exercises!!!! Wow proud of you guys...well when we get there hopefully you can teach us how to live better to stay longer on this earth!!! Hooray for Ron and Juni!!!!