Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tomorrow is the Last Day!

I am really going to miss this school, everything about it. Today, I had three classes with my first years. It was fun even though I realized early this week that these students will not have much sentiment over someone they met only four months ago, but I am really feeling the love from my second and third year students. Enough love to let myself know that I did what I wanted to do. I wanted to give these students a good experience with America and English and I think I've accomplished that. In between my classes, I had some great memories. I was going to the bank when I saw students from the blind school that I had just said "goodbye" to yesterday. They were having an exchange with one of my 2nd year classes. THey all gathered and I watched them play すいかわり (breaking the watermelon). I got to talk with a whole bunch of students and got to even play myself, breaking the watermelon. There was cherring and good things everywhere. Then a group of boys, some that I thought didn't have a care about me wanted to take pictures with me. Then in the office, a 3rd year student gave me a letter. I had trapped her into conversation earlier and she wanted to say her own goodbye. Then one of my 3rd year students that always comes to talk to me came and we had a great reminiscent talk. Tomorrow is my last day, but I feel like I can properly leave this school with my head up high, saying that I have done what an ALT is suppose to do.

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