Monday, May 25, 2009

Whatever happened to studying?

We had a busy weekend. Friday was finishing work, then meeting up with our ~married friends~ for some wedding sharing time. All their friends and our friends are single or dating, so no one but us is really interested in seeing wedding pictures and wedding videos. Besides, since they can speak only limited English and we speak barely speakable Japanese, connecting through pictures seemed very beneficial for our relationship. On Saturday, Ron had a business pow wow with a friend while I strolled the train station doing some errunds and window shopping, something I don't often so and miss so very much. We met back up and went to the next town to have a big family dinner with Ron's boss/priest agent's family. We enjoyed good company and good food and I remembered why children are so adorable. I should mention that it was a big family gathering with little 3 year olds running all over the place. I enjoyed the company of the cutest little 8 year old.

Then Sunday, we woke up bright and early to go to Ron's baseball game. He played in the later half as left field and did a very good job. He even caught a fly ball to get the batter out. We returned home, put on some nice clothes and then make our way to a little chapel where Ron donned the outfit to make him a "priest." I had weird thoughts of it before, but if they are going to hire foreigners to do this anyway, it should at least be someone who has been married and does believe in the faith. It's better than some random guy that hasn't even gone through the motions himself. That's what I figure. I was in the sound room during this time and Ron did great. I can tell he was a bit nervous, especilly when the couple decided that walking in with their 10 month old baby and holding him during the service would be a good idea. It kinda kills the romantic notions of the TWO people. But, it was their wedding. But the baby cried...and cried...and cried... and Ron did not falter. He says he did, but it wasn't big enough to matter. He did great!

We came home and then off to the next event, matchmaking a date between Ron's baseball buddy and a foreign friend we know. We slipped out to our married friends of the meeting and they decided to come too. But we had a great time. Us, not the matchmade couple. They didn't talk to each other much. But Ron and I had a great time and although we were busy and couldn't study much, I think 3 nights of constant Japanese dialogue works just the same.


Unknown said...

Good job Pastor Ron....

joybean said...

hahahaha :D excellent.

peggily said...

Very handsome and fatherly.