Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kekkon Kinenbi

One Year Anniversary

I had the realization that it really is something special to have a completely new event in your life. Something that just starts and you know that it will last until the day you die. This is true for birthdays, holidays, and relatives' special events. So today is the day that July 16th will forever be ingrained in my forehead as a special holiday. Although Ron and I didn't paint the town red (we prefer orange), we still were able to fill our day with quality time, special moments, and little things that make people want to throw up. So for those of you with strong stomachs, here are some examples of the Ron and Juni cornyness.



Sticker Pictures.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Woooooow, that's so romantic! and full of heart! How do we say in Israel.... I wish for this happiness to be close in the future of everyone that we know.... and other good people that we don't [yet] know.
