Friday, June 6, 2008

The Lesson Learned

I believe that at least once a year, there is a great challenge. If you manage to overcome this challenge, then you then become a wiser person and have the added strength to overcome the next challenges. This Driving test was my Birthday Challenge. I learned that there are 2 types of obstacles. There are those that test your knowledge and those that test your will. In my life, I've managed to master the challenges of passing a doomed school final, writing a 20 page paper over a weekend, cramming for a test less that 10 minutes away, but this may be the biggest Will Challenge that I have faced. This may not be the first Will Challenge I've ever had, but it's the first Will Challenge where I know that I have become wiser because of it.

I learned that that some things are out of my control. No matter how wrong the other party is, sometimes there's nothing to do, but take the hits. But in order to get what is really important, you take the hits, knowing that the prize is worth it. By finally acquiring that prize, I feel like a stronger person. I know that there are some obstacles where standing up for yourself is true strength, but there are some challenges where being silent and following the ridiculous buraucracy is true strength as well. I feel that, however silly a driver's license is, it's still the same great achievement as any other prize. I feel proud going into my 25th year with this new experience and I am looking forward to the next 25th Birthday Challenge.

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