Thursday, January 17, 2008

The sun'll come out...

I woke up to go to my far away school, the first time in a long time. I woke up at 630 ready to start my day and it was still dark outside. The days in Morioka have gotten so much shorter. The sun goes down here around 5 o'clock. It's ridiculous. When I woke up, I had to check my clock five times to make sure it was actually the time it said. Usually at 630, the sun is brightly shining, but this morning it didn't go up until 7 o'clock. If there's one thing I don't like, it's waking up while the sun gets to sleep longer than me. It's unnatural. In the caveman days, didn't they gauge waking up when the sun woke up? Why now do we have to wake up before hand? Needless to say I started the day very upset and confused. I ended up overshooting my preparation time and got to the bus 10 minutes before and getting to the station 20 minutes earlier then usual, which made me wait in the station very cold, waiting for my train. Sigh... Don't they start work later in Europe? Maybe Europe is on to something. Or maybe I just need to get back in my groove.


Anonymous said...

have I told you enough times how I love reading your blogs

Anonymous said...

1. Clearly... Japanese != Europeans. They have 3 hour lunches in France and... well, I'm not even sure that Russians do any work at all.
2. As I remember it... in Moscow during winter days, the sun rises after 8am. Maybe around 9 or so. And sunset is... 4. It's pretty much dark by 4:30. Now that's a cheerful time! ;) Conclusion: Russians must be vampires.